Sunday, 11 August 2013

Censorship and sheep’s legs. (Not suitable for children.)

The lamb leg is a favorite choice of meat for many a Sunday roast; it is easy to make it tender, although it can be a rather tasteless meat and as a result can take little effort to make it a truly successful dish. I am only cooking for two and am only using a half leg but this recipe can be used on a larger joint

The censorship laws due to be brought in 2014 will mean that you have to admit to watching porn and allow consistent monitoring of your browsing if you wish to look at or read any material that is deemed inappropriate by somebody else. This person will be a member of parliament and probably will disagree with you on the subject of what is good for you to read, what is in your personal interest to know and what isn't.

Take a leek; slice and add chopped onions and good sized pair of cloves of garlic; fry these until they begin to brown, releasing their juices. Take the pan off the heat, and while your hot wet vegetables begin to cool you can be preparing your meat. In front of the hard bone, heading towards the center of the meat you will find a natural fatty flange. This can easily be opened using the correct utensil. It is always a good idea to gently push your fingers in to prepare the hole. 

Meaty flange: Things not to Google.
If you want to watch something unseemly then you have to basically tell someone that you are looking at porn; because children might watch things that are perfectly suitable for you, and funnily enough, are not suitable for them) The word unseemly applies to a great deal of things that I find entertaining: Family Guy, Battlestar Gallactica, Archer and the History of Britain.

Put the string on the chopping board, spaced accordingly, and then splay your meat out on top of it. The leeks and onions will now have cooled and it is time for stuffing: the oil will lubricate the insertion and don’t worry about stretching the meaty orifice, as the restraints, once applied, will make sure everything stays tight enough.  

It would be a more acceptable practice for people to ‘opt in’ to internet monitoring; that way the opinion of a self proclaimed Christian would not be guiding what you watch and read. There could be an ‘I do have children and lack the capacity to operate windows’ option, this would immediately bar you from reading anything about Pompeii, Julian Assange or fifty shades of grey.

Violated meat.
It is now time to wrap up the joint; this will form a firm yet yielding meaty mound with oily juices leaking from the opening. Pull the ends of the string and tie in a simple knot; make sure the restraints are tight enough to produce taught, bulging rounded embonpoints that are firm to the touch. With a lubricant of your choice insert the meat into an oven (220 degrees for the first half an hour and then and then an extra half an hour per 900 grams on 160-80 for well done and 20 minutes per 900 grams for medium/rare.)

You can also take this opportunity to put your spuds in.

The fact that someone who believes that Moses narrated he own funeral in the first person, while describing himself as meek is summing up acceptability is not the only risk that the new and bizarre alterations to the internet will bring. A millionaire with no understanding of reality wishes to bring to your information freedom the lack of anything 'violent', presumably whether the violence is carried out by the British government or not. Anything to do with ‘extremist related content’ which is pretty much anything one chooses to disagree with strongly. ‘Suicide related websites’ are out, so presumably so are the Samaritans. ‘Alcohol and smoking’ are taboo; I am fairly certain that most websites on those topics refer to stopping these practices as apposed to continuing them, the latter being easy to achieve without a great deal of research. ‘Web forums’ are not good, although the ones I have read are in fact about a variety of roasting times for differing meats and it sounds very much like a ban on the exchange of information. Last but certainly not least is ‘esoteric material’. Esoteric meaning: ‘adjective intended for or likely to be understood by only a small number of people with a specialized knowledge or interest.’ (Oxford dictionary.) 

Most things posted on the internet are aimed at a comparatively small group of people; be they brony, vegan, musician or train-spotter. This makes the final addition to Cameron’s list the most perturbing of all the frankly mental suggestions put forward so far.

Double entendre: Insert yours here. 
Most things posted on the internet are aimed at a comparatively small group of people; be they brony, vegan, musician or train-spotter. This makes the final addition to Cameron’s list the most perturbing of all the frankly mental suggestions put forward so far.

Steam some cauliflower and broccoli, then place in the top of the oven with a thick layer of Parmigianino reggiano and a sprinkling of pepper; this cheesy side order really compliments a hearty portion of hot meat. 

I would display images of the finished dish, but for your own protection I have decided to refrain; I fear that you would all become rampantly aroused and start fucking each other like wild dogs. 

Next week: I will show you how to jerk pork and finish it off with some cheesy nut muffins.