Michael Gove has stated that we need to learn about the history of the Great War in the right way; but from the perspective of whom?
The idea that Britain before the Great War was an icon of
liberty is a bizarre one, only someone without any level of rationality and the
tiniest concept of the history of the country could possibly entertain it.
If you observe the traditional version that the war began
due to the assassination of Archduke Ferdinand, which was a catalyst and is reasonable place to start, but once a modicum of thought has been applied to it,
it was clearly not the sole reason for global conflict.
Control of the Middle East played a large part; the new
warships both England and Germany were
building in a race against each other were in great need of oil. Germany desired a train line into what is now
modern day Iraq
and the British would not allow such a project.
The tensions between key members of the house of Saxa Coberg
were also key to the conflict; Is Michael Gove under the impression that the
people ruling Germany and
the people ruling England
were actually differing families? That
the British were good and Germany
bad? This puerile thought process does not apply to any historical conflict; if
reviewing the battle of Hastings
one does not say that the noble king Harold was cruelly defeated by William the
bastard. This is because we are fully aware with the benefit of hindsight that
they only fighting over power, with elements of ego, and were both Scandinavian
Gove refers to the ‘ruthless social Darwinism of the German
elite’ who, as previously mentioned, are the same family as the German elite;
what with Kaiser Wilhelm being the grandson son of queen Victoria, the first
cousin of King George and the second cousin of Tsar Nicholas who was
temporarily in charge of Russia. This in itself disables the goodies and
baddies argument, but it is not the only indication that this was not the case.
You do not need to study history or Machiavellian thought to
know that empires generally are not good at fighting for truth, liberty and
honor, but none the less quite good at fighting; the 19th century
was just as war-some as any other period. We were still fighting the French at
the start of it, which ended with the largest ever turnout of British troops at
that point, they fought on the Somme . We moved
on to fight the Russians in the Crimea , which
was a notably murderous affair even for a war. We fought the Boer because of a
shitload of gold, simultaneously inventing the concentration camp and
committing genocide. A young Winston Churchill was a war reporter there at the
![]() |
Churchill: A firm believer in Eugenics, which is what Gove is accusing the Germans of. |
The late 1800’s saw the British invade Afghanistan ,
only it was not called an invasion, we were freeing the people and we were there
to install a friendly government. The motive behind this was because Russia might try and invade India through it ,
which would be rude as it clearly belonged to us. The British lost
a lot of men and failed completely due to an insurgency of anti British troops
and a memorial was put up in Reading .
Gove puts forward the
idea that the well informed populace went on to defend King and country, and
attack his cousin; they were committed to defending the western liberal order.
The volunteers that joined up in 1914 were all around or under five foot tall;
this was due to malnutrition which indicates how the working class lived. Many
joined because there was food and many surviving private letters confirm this
was the case.
Part of the English literature curriculum goes cross
curricular with history in the tenth or eleventh year of secondary school, this
involves the contemporary poetry of the great war. This clearly demonstrates
the existence of anti war feeling at the time; Wilfred Owen would be a key
example of this. We know that the British authorities kept public opinion and
that of the soldier’s on the front separate for the reason that they were very
similar. King George was concerned that things might go the way of the Romanovs;
he didn’t want what happened to his cousin to happen to him.
Looking at the battles that have taken place on the Somme River ;
if a peasant archer at Agincourt had not
attended, would victory or loss affect his circumstances at home? It is hard to
see how it would. This can just as easily apply to an infantry man not at Waterloo or a Tommy who decided that Kitchener probably didn’t need him all that
much. The British troops in Afghanistan
in the 1800’s certainly would have benefitted from not being there, but would victory matter to them if they were not? which
raises the question of the ones still there.
The assumption that we won being the best possible outcome
is bizarre from a historical standpoint; obviously it may have been as we
cannot predict what may have happened. However the Second World War is direct result of
the first; the treaty of Versailles caused the Weimar hyper inflation, in
turn leading to poverty and suffering on a massive scale. We lied to the Arabs,
did not return their land as it was also promised to the Jews, causing a major
conflict which is still very active in the present day. After world war two we
divided India
and those two countries have fought bloody wars ever since.
Taking British students to the Somme and informing them it
is where brave and noble Tommies beat the nasty Germans will benefit no-one.
Michael Gove says he sees patriotism as a virtue, and we know who that is
normally a virtue of, but is he vicious or simply completely unaware of what he
is talking about?
The concept of history having goodies and baddies has no
place in modern culture or thought; that a grown man in charge of education can
miss the point of learning history by such an extensive margin, while in the
process of telling everyone how he thinks people should learn it is startling.
The reason we should not teach Gove’s happy flag waving
version of the Great War is because it isn’t true; I think it might be the only
reason we need.
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